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10 Summer Enrichment Programs for Middle School Students

If you’re a middle school student interested in expanding your learning beyond the classroom, consider applying for an enrichment program to complement your academics! 

Enrichment programs offer an immersive experience that goes beyond the traditional classroom setting, allowing you to delve deeper into subjects you are passionate about. They tackle topics usually not covered by your school curriculum, and the method of teaching can include workshops and hands-on activities. 

You can enroll in an enrichment program that covers subjects ranging from STEM subjects and environmental studies to international affairs and entrepreneurship, catering to diverse interests and passions. Here's a curated list of 10 enrichment programs for middle school students worth exploring:

At the University of Texas at Dallas Coding Camps, you'll learn about mathematical principles in computer programming. You will use platforms like Scratch and JavaScript to explore angles, and 3D spaces, and work with random numbers and recursion.

A notable offering is the "Bring Math to Life!" camp, which uses programming to better understand geometry, object manipulation, sequence patterns, and recursive structures. The "Modding with Minecraft" camp lets students create Minecraft mods using programming fundamentals.

Beginners can opt for the  "Enjoyable Coding with Alice" camp that uses the Alice programming language to understand 3D animation and game development, without complex syntax errors. 

Location: Virtual

Program Dates: Weekly camps from June 3, 2024 - August 2, 2024

Cost: $150

Eligibility: Students aged 11-14 are eligible

Application Deadline:  Enrollment is open until the Wednesday before the start date of the week’s camps.

The Young Founder’s Lab, spearheaded by Harvard entrepreneurs, is a fully virtual startup boot camp for developing innovation and entrepreneurship skills. Mentors from Google, Microsoft, and X, guide participants to create revenue-generating startups tackling real global challenges like connecting financial products to individuals through fintech, generating impactful startup ideas, etc. Beyond startup incubation, the program offers interactive classes on business fundamentals, ideation techniques, and immersive workshops. Students will also participate in skill-building sessions, case studies, and panel discussions.

Location: Virtual

Program Dates: During the summers. Starts on July 3, 2024 

Cost:  $2900, financial aid is available on a need-basis

Eligibility: Open to students in grade 8 and above

Application Deadline:  Varies; cohorts are offered throughout the year. Fall cohort deadline is June 28, 2024

The Tech Explorer Camp, held at the University of North Texas, caters to middle and high school students interested in technology. The Camp covers technologies and careers in information science, including human-computer interaction and misinformation. This camp runs for five days from 9 AM to 3 PM and is led by university professors and Ph.D. candidates. Students will deep dive into diverse tech activities like coding workshops and robotics challenges.

Location: Frisco Landing, Preston Rd, Frisco, TX 

Program Dates: Typically held in July  

Cost:  $350 for the five-day camp. Meals are not included  

Eligibility: Summer camp participants must be middle or high school students

Application Deadline: NA

This five-day residential summer camp introduces students to various fields of engineering including electrical, mechanical, civil, and environmental engineering, as well as computer science basics. The program is competitive, with just 20 students accepted annually.

Students engage in hands-on projects and activities that reflect the engineering design process across various disciplines building structures, robotics, and environmental projects. Prior STEM experience is not required to attend this camp, making it an ideal starting point for middle school students.

Location: SMU Lyle School of Engineering, Texas

Program Dates: The program has separate boys, girls, and coed camps that run on various dates in June and July  

Cost: $600

Eligibility: Rising grade 7-8 students

Application Deadline: Typically early February 

The dynaMIT program caters to students entering grades six through nine from economically disadvantaged backgrounds MIT students teach middle schoolers about fundamental STEM subjects like mathematics, biology, chemistry, mechanical engineering, earth and space sciences, and computer science. Students participate in activities like experimenting with bouncy bubbles, launching bottle rockets, and constructing water balloon slingshots. Find the application form here.

Location: MIT campus, Cambridge, MA

Program Dates: Rising grade 6-7 students: August 14 to August 18 | 

Rising grade 8-9 students: August 21 to August 25  

Cost:  None

Eligibility: Rising grade 6-9 students from the Boston area

Application Deadline:  Typically early March

UC San Diego’s Sally Ride Science Academy offers STEAM workshops customized toward students in grades 3-12. These workshops provide opportunities for participants to explore different roles, including those of a space explorer, marine biologist, and computer programmer, through interactive hands-on projects. The workshops include stories of successful women in each field and aim to promote greater accessibility to STEAM careers.

Location: Both in-person (The Sally Ride Science Academy, San Diego) and online sessions.

Program Dates: Multiple week-long sessions in July-August  

Cost:  $135 to $149 per course

Eligibility: Grades 3-12

Application Deadline:  Typically end-May

The Lawrence Program at UC Berkeley is a week-long STEM program that offers middle schoolers the chance to do experiments, go on campus tours, and attend lab sessions. The program comprises four distinct tracks, each incorporating a research component: Body Systems and Biomedical Innovations, Coding and Engineering Nano-Satellites, Solar Energy and Electrical Engineering, and Designing and Engineering Bridges! At the end of the program, you will have to present your findings in a poster session or presentation. This showcases your work and skills, providing tangible results that reflect your learning and contributions.

Location: UC Berkeley Campus, CA

Program Dates: One week in June

Cost: NA

Eligibility: Rising grade 7-9 students

Application Deadline: Typically mid-May

The Chicago Academy for the Arts Summer Program offers courses in dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts. The Dance Intensive focuses on ballet, modern, jazz, and contemporary techniques, as well as improvisation and body conditioning. It is taught by Academy faculty and professionals from prestigious companies like the Joffrey Ballet and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. The Storytelling in Media course offers hands-on experience in film, animation, photography, and creative writing, allowing you to explore different storytelling mediums under the guidance of experienced instructors.

In the Creative Musicians for Social Change course, you will create, record, and perform original songs addressing social justice topics using The Academy's professional recording studio. Theater enthusiasts can dive into workshops on Shakespeare, musical theater dance, and voice & diction. Visual arts students will explore traditional techniques and contemporary practices in drawing, painting, printmaking, weaving, and sculpture

Location: Chicago, IL

Program Dates: Two weeks in June

Cost: $995

Eligibility: Rising grade 7-9 students

Application Deadline:  Rolling. Registrations for the 2025 cohort will open in November 

SoSC is a sound option if you’re interested in robotics and its application within the framework of urban development. This program focuses on teaching you how to apply principles of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to solve real-world challenges facing modern cities. During the course, you will explore concepts in robotics, energy science, urban infrastructure, and environmental sustainability, and use these concepts to imagine and design solutions that could make cities smarter, more efficient, and more livable. 

The structure of the SoSC program is designed to be highly interactive and project-based, encouraging you to apply what you've learned through hands-on activities and collaborative projects. The program includes a final project, where you will work in teams to design a smart city solution that addresses a specific urban challenge. The program also offers the opportunity to network with peers and experts in the field, along with access to guest lectures, workshops, and seminars. 

Location: NYU campus, New York City, NY

Program Dates: Four weeks in July-August

Cost: None

Eligibility: Students who are at least 12 years old by the start of the program, but not older than 14 on the day the program begins, can apply. Those applying must be NYC residents.

Application Deadline:  Typically mid-April

In this two-week summer camp, participants will explore the complexities of natural history and its integration with oceanography. They will be introduced to key marine concepts and laboratory procedures. Students will analyze island geology, compare salt marshes and bogs, set up a saltwater tank, and explore the diversity and zonation patterns within tidal pools. Throughout the program, you will explore marine environments, conduct water sampling, go whale watching, and study tidal pools, salt marshes, and bogs. The program ends with a family cookout on the final day.

Many students who engage in an Intermediate session often opt to return for an Advanced session in subsequent years, particularly after completing at least one year of high school. A tentative schedule of the program can be found here.

Location:  Seal Harbor, ME

Program Dates: June 23 –  July 5 and August 4-16, 2024

Cost: $3,200 for a two-week session

Eligibility: Students aged 12–15 

Application Deadline:  Rolling

One more option - The Lumiere Junior Explorer Program

The Lumiere Junior Explorer Program is a program for middle school students to work one-on-one with a mentor to explore their academic interests and build a project they are passionate about.  Our mentors are scholars from top research universities such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Duke, and LSE.

The program was founded by a Harvard & Oxford PhD who met as undergraduates at Harvard. The program is rigorous and fully virtual. We offer need-based financial aid for students who qualify. You can find the application in the brochure

To learn more, you can reach out to our Head of Partnerships, Maya, at or go to our website.

Multiple rolling deadlines for JEP cohorts across the year, you can apply using this application link! If you'd like to take a look at the cohorts + deadlines for 2024, you can refer to this page!

Stephen is one of the founders of Lumiere and a Harvard College graduate. He founded Lumiere as a PhD student at Harvard Business School. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.

Image Source: University of Texas at Dallas seal



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