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11 Law Programs for Middle School Students

If you’re a middle school student interested in law and looking to gain hands-on experience in the field, this blog is for you! Participating in law programs will allow you to explore various aspects of the legal profession and apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios. A law program can also help you gain firsthand insight into different areas of law, including criminal justice, civil litigation, and legal advocacy.

Early exposure to the legal field can strengthen your portfolio, demonstrating your proactive involvement, passion, and genuine interest in pursuing a career in law. Additionally, gaining practical experience in the legal field during middle school will allow you to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and public speaking skills. Such experiences will also enable you to learn from industry experts and form connections that can help enhance your future academic and professional prospects.

Here’s our curated list of 11 law programs for middle school students!

Location: Conviser Law Center, Chicago, IL 

Eligibility: Rising sixth through eighth graders (ages 11–13) can apply.

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Dates: Typically one week in June. The 2024 program ran from June 10 to June 14.

Cost: $600 

The Civics, Democracy, and Law Summer Legal Academy is a five-day legal immersion program for middle school students across Chicago. 

During the program, you will get to participate in interactive sessions focused on an exploration of governance, rights, and justice that will develop your communication, critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. You will get to develop professional content, discuss and read relatively short case opinions regarding topics impacting democracy, and practice and understand the mechanics of litigation through mock trials and oral arguments. 

You’ll also have an opportunity to tour the Chicago-Kent College of Law and local government institutions such as the City Hall/County Building, the Daley Center, and the Dirksen Federal Building.

Location: Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, WI

Eligibility: Students currently in grades 7–9 are eligible. 

Application Deadline: Applications typically close in March.

Dates: July 25–July 26, 2024 | July 29–August 2, 2024

Cost: Free

This program includes interactive lessons, critical thinking exercises, writing and oral advocacy, instruction from guest speakers, and field trips to area law firms, corporations, and courthouses. 

During the program, you’ll get to explore the legal system and how it works, build leadership and teamwork skills, analyze selected cases, debate legal issues, participate in an oral argument, and learn what it takes to become a lawyer.

You will also have an opportunity to explore other careers in the legal system;

develop professionalism skills; develop contact with legal professionals and law student mentors; and gain insight into the college and university admissions process and financial aid resources. You can check out the 2024 schedule here.

Location: Virtual

Eligibility: Students aged at least 13 years can apply.

Application Deadline: Varies depending on the session. Multiple deadlines are available in July for the upcoming sessions.

Dates: Multiple one-, two-, and four-week sessions are available between July and August.

Cost: $1,795

Georgetown University’s Pre-College Online Law Program is designed to help students think like an attorney. In this course, you will discover a disciplined way of asking questions and will be encouraged to look beyond the obvious and make decisions based on evidence and analysis of the information you must consider. You’ll learn to separate fact from opinion and exercise the skills you need to be an attorney and a critical thinker. 

During the program, you'll understand the difference between defense and prosecution, gain the experience of studying real-world law cases, understand the role ethics plays in the judicial system, and acquire the ability to debate your side of an argument successfully. You will also get to explore future college majors and careers in law and complete a Final Capstone Project to demonstrate what you’ve learned. You’ll earn a Certificate of Completion from Georgetown University.

Location: Duke University campus, Durham, NC

Eligibility: Current 6th to 8th grade students can apply.

Application Deadline: Applications typically close in early April.


  • Session 1: June 30–July 5, 2024

  • Session 2: July 21–July 26, 2024


  • Residential: $1,400 tuition + $750 room and meal fee.

  • Commuter: $1,400 tuition + $125 meal fee.

A limited amount of financial assistance is available.

Duke’s Summer Residential Program promises an engaging college-like experience for students from various backgrounds. You can expect to find courses like aerospace engineering, mathematical logic and proofs, financial literacy, environmental art, law, and marine ecology. The courses are rigorous and completely engaging for those who are interested in these fields. You can check out the complete list of available courses here.

If you’re interested in law, one good course option is Politics, Law, and Advocacy—where you'll explore the day-to-day life of a lawyer, how a trial works, and the difference between criminal and civil cases. You will also discover what it’s like to be a lawyer, judge, paralegal, or law clerk.

During the course, you will get to practice making fact-based arguments, review evidence to compare and contrast fact versus opinion, and gain the skills to make informed decisions as you analyze the factors that lead to criminal incidents. You will learn about criminal law, constitutional law, what makes something evidence, and how to define terms like “crime.” You will also have an opportunity to explore topics that provide a foundation for you to consider potential college majors and career paths related to law. 

Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Eligibility: Middle school students (at least 12 years old by the time when camp begins) and high school students with English language proficiency are eligible.

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the camp is full.

Dates: July 27–August 5, 2024 (Residential) | July 28–August 4, 2024 (Commuter)

Cost: The total cost for the nine-day long camp is $3,750, including lectures, student programming, practice debates, housing, and meals. The reduced commuter rate for local campers is $700.

Cornell University’s International Summer Debate Camp allows students to learn new debate skills and have opportunities to practice them in intra-camp practice exercises as well as adjudicated tournament debates. The instructors include Cornell faculty, esteemed debate coaches from successful programs at both high school and college programs, and top college debaters. During the camp, you will receive cutting-edge academic insights into contemporary political topics. 

The instruction on debate techniques will utilize the World Schools Debate (WSD) format while also providing a broader slate of instruction that is relevant to all debate formats. The World Schools Debate (WSD) is a 3-student vs 3-student debate format that challenges students with both impromptu and prepared topics. At the end of the camp, you will get to participate in Cornell's Debate Camp Tournament using the WSD format.

Location: American University, Washington, DC

Eligibility: Students must be at least 11 years of age and currently enrolled in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.

Application Deadline: NSLC will continue to accept applications if space is available in a program or on a program’s waitlist. The online enrollment application will display all current availability.

Dates: July 8–July 13, 2024 | July 16–July 21, 2024

Cost: $2,795 (Residential) | $2,395 (Commuter)

NSLC’s Middle School Summer Program on U.S. History and Government will allow you to delve into the legislative process of the United States government and learn about monumental events in the nation’s history. 

During the program, you’ll get to learn how a bill is drafted and put through the editing and voting process to become a law. You’ll get to understand the division of power that exists between the state governments and the federal government. You will gain a greater understanding of the role of the Supreme Court and explore the concept of voter rights. You’ll also learn about the community districts and how gerrymandering can affect voter populations. These hands-on simulations will help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to pursue a future working in government.

Location: Chicago, IL and Indianapolis, IN

Eligibility: Students currently in grades 6-8 can apply.

Application Deadline: The application deadline varies for each program city, but it generally occurs around one month before the program's start date or once capacity is reached.


  • Chicago, IL: July 31–August 2, 2024

  • Indianapolis, IN: November 2024

Cost: Free

The Middle School Law Camp is a fun, educational, and interactive program that will allow you to spend three days involved in legal experiences that will introduce you to a law school, law firms, and local courts in your area.

During the camp, you’ll get to study the legal system and how it works alongside attorney and judge volunteers; build leadership and teamwork skills; analyze selected cases, debate legal issues and participate in both a mock trial and an oral argument; and gain an understanding of the real-life aspects of practicing law at a law firm or corporation. You will also have an opportunity to develop contacts with legal professionals and organizations that provide scholarships, internships, and mentors and receive guidance about the college admissions process and financial aid resources.

Location: Virtual

Eligibility: Students aged 12–14 are eligible.

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the slots are filled.


  • Session 1: June 10–June 21, 2024

  • Session 2: July 29–August 9, 2024

Cost: $2,795

Discover Law Academy is a two-week course introducing students ages 12-14 to fundamental concepts in the law, politics, and government, and is designed and taught by a world-leading instructor. The course is delivered synchronously over two weeks in ten live and interactive online classes, and two one-on-one personalized academic tutorials led by your instructor. The maximum class size is 6 students.

During the program, you will gain insight into the different areas of law via real-life cases, and discover what it takes to become a top legal professional. You’ll get to learn the relationship between business and law and discover the origins of our modern legal systems. You will also discover how modern technology presents novel challenges to the law, from human rights to property rights. You’ll have an opportunity to understand the nuts and bolts of criminal law including the rights of the accused and the legal criterion for guilt and get to learn how to assemble evidence, effectively present your case to a judge, and get the jury to side with your client. You’ll also hone your public speaking skills as you argue for your client in the in-class debates. 

Location: Virtual

Eligibility: Students aged at least 13 years can apply.

Application Deadline: Varies depending on the session.

Dates: Multi-length courses are available throughout the year. The upcoming 2-week sessions are available in July and August. July 21–August 4, 2024 | August 4–August 18, 2024

Cost: $1,295

William & Mary Pre-college Online Program—Constitutional Law gives students an inside look at how today’s lawyers and judges rely on the Constitution to support their cases. During the program, you’ll get to examine the judiciary’s role, how they interpret constitutional rights, and why there are vastly different opinions on how this document is — or should be — interpreted. You will also get to hear from renowned constitutional scholars and law professors at one of the nation’s preeminent universities. 

You’ll be expected to complete a final project to demonstrate what you’ve learned and you will also earn a Certificate of Completion from William & Mary at the end of the program. If you are considering a future in law or government, this can be a good place to start.

Location: Duke University campus, Durham, NC

Eligibility: Current 6th to 8th grade students can apply.

Application Deadline: Applications typically close in early April.


  • Session 1: June 16–June 28, 2024

  • Session 2: July 7–July 19, 2024


  • Residential: $2,800 tuition + $1,900 room and meal fee.

  • Commuter: $2,800 tuition + $250 meal fee. 

A limited amount of financial assistance is available.

Duke’s Summer Residential Program promises an engaging college-like experience for students from various backgrounds. You can expect to find courses like aerospace engineering, mathematical logic and proofs, financial literacy, environmental art, law, and marine ecology. The courses are rigorous and completely engaging for those who are interested in these fields. You can check out the complete list of available courses here.

If you’re interested in law, one good course option is Mock Trial: Practicing the Tools of Justice, where you’ll get to explore elements of oratory, persuasion, and written argumentation. During the course, you will be tasked with taking both sides of an issue (whether you agree or disagree) and interrogating tactics for crafting both arguments and counter-arguments. You will get to learn to craft an opening argument, cross-examine, and a closing argument. You will also have an opportunity to visit Duke Law School with your fellow peers and learn from special guests from the legal field. After this course, a mock trial will be held where you will engage all of the skills you’ve acquired from this course.

Location: Residential and Day Camp Options at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Virtual course options are also available.

Eligibility: Students in grades 6-8 can apply.

Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Dates: Vary depending on the course selected. One-week course options are available.

  • Week 1: July 14 to July 19, 2024

  • Week 2: July 21 to 26, 2024

  • Week 3: July 28 to August 2, 2024

Cost: Residential Camp: $1,650 | Day Camp: $910. Financial aid is available for qualified students.

Summer Leadership Intensive at Northwestern University is a one-week course available through CTD's 6-12 Academic Summer Residential and Day Camps. In the Leadership Intensive series, you’ll get to examine traits and practices of leadership, assess your strengths and style, and learn from leaders across professional fields.

If you’re interested in law, you can opt for courses such as:

  • Climate, Conflict & Environmental Justice—where you’ll get to explore issues of environmental justice and examine ways to address them, from sustainable lifestyle choices to approaches toward industry and government policy, to the pioneering sciences behind ecological restoration.

  • Race and Justice in America—where you’ll gain an understanding of the present-day challenges of diverse racial groups in America as well as movements and leaders that are working for equality and justice.

  • Raise Your Voice—where you will get an opportunity to sharpen your skills in preparing and delivering a speech, asking thoughtful questions, and targeting your message through interactive workshops and collaborative projects. You will also learn to communicate with clarity and confidence! 

One more option - The Lumiere Junior Explorer Program

The Lumiere Junior Explorer Program is a program for middle school students to work one-on-one with a mentor to explore their academic interests and build a project they are passionate about.  Our mentors are scholars from top research universities such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale, Duke, and LSE.

The program was founded by a Harvard & Oxford PhD who met as undergraduates at Harvard. The program is rigorous and fully virtual. We offer need-based financial aid for students who qualify. You can find the application in the brochure

To learn more, you can reach out to our Head of Partnerships, Maya, at or go to our website.

Multiple rolling deadlines for JEP cohorts across the year, you can apply using this application link! If you'd like to take a look at the cohorts + deadlines for 2024, you can refer to this page!

Stephen is one of the founders of Lumiere and a Harvard College graduate. He founded Lumiere as a Ph.D. student at Harvard Business School. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.


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