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8 Summer Programs for High School Students in Philadelphia

Summer programs offer high school students in Philadelphia an excellent opportunity to get involved in projects, enhance skills, and build up academic profiles. Many programs provide unique learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom, allowing you to gain hands-on experience and explore potential career paths.To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of 8 summer programs in Philadelphia that can provide enriching experiences for high school students. Whether you’re passionate about STEM, creative arts, or social sciences, there’s a summer program here designed to meet your interests and aspirations!

Location: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their freshman year in high school (ninth grade) and be at least 15 years of age by the program's start.

Application deadline

  • Priority Deadline: March 1, 2024

  • General Deadline: April 5, 2024

Dates: July 7 - July 27, 2024

Cost: $75 application fee + $8,500 program fee

ESAP provides motivated high school students with an immersive, college-level engineering experience at the University of Pennsylvania. Over 3 weeks, students engage in rigorous coursework and hands-on projects in one of our six offered courses: Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Complex Networks, Computer Graphics, Nanotechnology, and Computer Science. 

As a participant, you’ll also have the opportunity to work with Penn’s leading faculty, live on campus, and connect with like-minded peers from around the world.

Location: Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Eligibility: Students entering grades 10-12

Application deadline

  • Priority Deadline: February 15, 2024

  • Regular Deadline: March 15, 2024

  • Final Deadline: April 15, 2024


  • Session I: July 8 - July 19, 2024 (residential students move in July 7th)

  • Session II: July 22 - August 2, 2024 (residential students move in July 21st)


  • $1,300 for each two-week, full-day session (includes two workshops).

  • $700 for each two-week, half-day session (includes one workshop, morning only).

  • NOT included: housing and on-campus meals (optional), books and supplies (required for some workshop choices).

  • Financial aid is available.

Temple University offers several selective summer programs for high school students looking to explore various academic fields through 2-week non-credit workshops. Students can select a morning and an afternoon workshop from over 25 options, including Ecology and Biodiversity, Photo Storytelling, Inside Criminal Law, Creative Writing, Materials Science, and more. The program also includes a professional development or college readiness seminar. 

Students engage in project-based learning with Temple University’s labs and resources. Moreover, there are social activities and field trips to enhance the community experience. 

Location: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

Eligibility: Rising high school juniors and seniors in the Philadelphia area and beyond who have completed at least 1 year of biology.

Application deadline: April 1, 2024 


  • Session I: July 8 -  July 12, 2024 

  • Session II: July 15 - July 19, 2024 

  • Session III: July 22 - July 26, 2024

Cost: $1,200; need-based scholarships are available.

The BIOMED Summer Academy at Drexel University is a one-week STEM program for high school students eager to deep dive into the field of biomedical engineering through interactive, hands-on learning activities. 

Participants are introduced to laboratory and core research skills, such as making nanoparticles and measuring brain waves. The program includes seminars, site visits, and presentations from industry experts — providing valuable exposure to both academic and professional aspects of the field. 

Location: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA

Eligibility: High school students aged 14-17.

Application deadline: April 30, 2024 (some late applications may be considered if there are slots).

Dates: June 30 - August 3, 2024

Cost: $5,300; financial aid is available.

MathILy is an intensive 5-week residential summer program for mathematically talented high school students. MathILy focuses on advanced discrete mathematics through interactive classes, individualized instruction, and collaborative problem-solving activities. The program also includes a “Week of Chaos” featuring numerous short classes to explore diverse mathematical topics. This experience aims to maximize mathematical learning in an inquiry-based supportive environment.

Location: Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (in-person, hybrid, and online options)

Eligibility: Highly motivated students entering grades 9-12, as well as students up to age 21 with at least a 2.5 GPA. 

Application deadline: Rolling admissions.

Dates: June 30 - August 3, 2024

Cost: $250 per course (excluding books).

The ACE program offers college-level courses during the summer to highly motivated high school students. The program allows students to earn college credits, explore career interests, and experience college life. Courses cover a broad range of subjects, including Psychology, Sociology, Public Health, Music, Computer Programming, Leadership, and more. 

Through ACE, you can experience college-level course material over five weeks while making new connections with mentors and peers —- diving deeper into your area of interest. 

Location: Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA 

Eligibility: High school students from the greater Philadelphia area, including Camden, NJ.

Application deadline: December 18, 2023

Dates: June 18 to August 16, 2024.

Cost: No cost; this is a paid internship however housing and transportation are not provided. 

The MSAP is an intensive 8-week internship designed to engage high school students in basic biomedical research. The program aims to foster interest in cutting-edge research and science careers in groups typically underrepresented in the sciences — including women, ethnic and racial minorities, and economically disadvantaged students.

MSAP apprentices work full-time (35 hours per week) with Monell scientists on independent research projects. Projects can cover topics like cloning olfactory receptors, developing non-lethal repellents, or studying air quality chemistry. The program also includes lectures and concludes in a Capstone Symposium where students present their work throughout the program. 

MSAP is highly competitive with approximately 200 applications received each year and only about 20 students selected.

Location: Remote!

Application Deadline: 

  • Early Admission: February 18, 2024

  • Regular Admission 1: April 14, 2024

  • Regular Admission 2: May 12th, 2024

Eligibility: Students who are currently enrolled in high school or plan to enroll as first-year students in college in the fall of 2024. Applicants should demonstrate a high level of academic achievement (a rough idea of this can be measured at about 3.3 / 4 unweighted GPA or equivalent percentages)

Dates: Sessions are available in Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. The 2024 Summer Cohort begins on June 3.

Cost: Free for selected students from underrepresented or financially disadvantaged backgrounds.

The Lumiere Breakthrough Scholar Program is a prestigious 12-week research program for high-performing high school students from underrepresented communities or financially disadvantaged backgrounds. The program pairs students with world-class PhD mentors to conduct independent research in diverse fields like Biology, Economics, Data Science, Environmental Studies, International Relations, and more. This program aims to impart world-class research opportunities to deserving students. 

 Participants engage in 1-on-1 mentorship to produce a research paper. Selected students also present their work at the Lumiere Research Symposium.

Location: Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA 

Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors, as well as incoming freshmen from the greater Philadelphia area.

Application deadline: Applications open in the Spring for Summer 2025.

Dates: July 1 - July 29, 2024


  • 3 + 1 Option: $3,160 (includes 1 three-credit course and the PCAC 1000 college preparatory course).

  • PCAC 1000 Option: $790 (includes only the college preparatory course).

  • Housing costs are additional if staying on campus.

Villanova's Pre-College Summer Academy provides high school students with a comprehensive pre-college experience. The program introduces students to college-level coursework and campus life through classes, workshops, and activities aimed at developing essential academic and social skills.

Courses cover a wide range of topics, including communication studies, public speaking, music, and more. The college preparatory course focuses on areas such as metacognition, financial literacy, academic advising, and finding one’s agency in college.

BONUS INTERNSHIP 1: Veritas AI - AI Fellowship

Veritas AI focuses on providing high school students who are passionate about the field of AI a suitable environment to explore their interests.

The programs include collaborative learning, project development, and 1-on-1 mentorship. These programs are designed and run by Harvard graduate students and alumni and you can expect a great, fulfilling educational experience. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of Python or are recommended to complete the AI scholars program before pursuing the fellowship. 

The AI Fellowship program will have students pursue their own independent AI research project. Students work on their own individual research projects over a period of 12-15 weeks and can opt to combine AI with any other field of interest. In the past, students have worked on research papers in the field of AI & medicine, AI & finance, AI & environmental science, AI & education, and more! You can find examples of previous projects here

Location: Virtual


  • $1,790 for the 10-week AI Scholars program

  • $4,900 for the 12-15 week AI Fellowship 

  • $4,700 for both

  • Need-based financial aid is available. You can apply here

Application deadline: On a rolling basis.

Program dates: Varies depending on cohort.

Eligibility: Ambitious high school students located anywhere in the world. AI Fellowship applicants should either have completed the AI Scholars program or exhibit past experience with AI concepts or Python.

If you’re looking for a competitive mentored research program in subjects like data science, machine learning, political theory, biology, and chemistry, consider applying to Horizon’s Research Seminars and Labs

This is a selective virtual research program that lets you engage in advanced research and develop a research paper on a subject of your choosing. Horizon has worked with 1000+ high school students so far and offers 600+ research specializations for you to choose from. 

You can find the application link here

BONUS INTERNSHIP 2: Ladder Internship Program

Ladder Internships is a selective start-up internship program for ambitious high school students! In the program, you work with a high-growth start-up on an internship. Start-ups that offer internships range across a variety of industries from tech/deep tech, AI/ML to health tech, marketing, journalism, consulting, and more.  You can explore all the options here on their application form. Ladder’s start-ups are high-growth companies on average raising over a million dollars. Past founders have included YCombinator alums, founders raising over 30 million dollars, or founders who previously worked at Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. In the program, interns work closely with their managers and a Ladder Coach on real-world projects and present their work to the company. Here is the application form

Interns are offered one-on-one training in communication, time management, and other such valuable skills and will also have the opportunity to attend group training sessions with other interns in their cohort. The virtual internship is usually 8 weeks long.

Cost: $1990 (Financial Aid Available)

Location:  Remote! You can work from anywhere in the world.

Application deadline: Deadlines vary depending on the cohort. 

Program dates: Multiple cohorts throughout the year.

Eligibility: Students who can work for 10-20 hours/week, for 8-12 weeks. Open to high school students, undergraduates and gap year students!

Stephen is one of the founders of Lumiere and a Harvard College graduate. He founded Lumiere as a PhD student at Harvard Business School. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.


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