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Top 11 Research Programs for High School Students in NYC

If you are a New York City high schooler looking for research opportunities, then this list is for you! 

We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the best research opportunities for high school students in the New York City area. This list includes internships in STEM, Humanities, Medicine, and more!

Applying for a research program while still in high school comes with a lot of benefits. You’ll get to work with top-tier academics and professionals in your field of interest. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the subject area. You'll also craft valuable relationships with successful professionals and academics. Not only will you learn new skills, you’ll get to apply those skills to real-world problems. The hands-on nature of research projects sets you apart from other students. You might also spark a new passion! Seeing concepts come alive in the field is a rare opportunity. Applying your critical thinking outside the classroom helps you understand concepts more deeply.

Research experience is also great for your college application. This list includes prestigious and competitive opportunities. Selection for such a program adds great value to your CV and application profile. Competitive research projects prove your skills and talents compared to your peers. They also open doors to similar opportunities. Finally, you'll gain invaluable connections, which can lead to letters of recommendation.

Lumiere Education, founded by Harvard graduates, offers three major research opportunities, all virtual. The programs offer a wide variety of fields of study from STEM to Humanities to Law. You can also request a new topic. Lumiere will pair you with a mentor who is an expert in your field. You'll work with them during 9-30 individualized sessions depending on your chosen program. You’ll also receive individual writing coach sessions. In the more intensive programs, you’ll take part in individual sessions with a publication specialist.

By the end of the program, you’ll produce a college-level academic paper. If you participate in one of the more intensive programs, you can apply for publication in a high-school or college-level journal. You could also apply to a selective research competition or publication. The shortest research program lasts for 12 weeks. The longest lasts 6-12 months, depending on the project.

The 1-1 attention from Lumiere mentors means you’ll get the attention and support necessary to make huge academic strides. You'll have the support to produce a solid research project by the end of your program. You’ll be able to request a letter of recommendation from your mentor. Finally, you’ll have an incredible showcase piece for college applications.

Cost: 100% financial aid and scholarships are available!

  • Individual Research Program (12 weeks): $2,800

  • Premium Research and Publication Program (16 weeks): $5,450

  • Research Fellowship (30 weeks): $8,900

Location: Virtual

Application deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, depending on the desired session. The Summer II application deadline is June 30, 2024

Program dates: Programs last for 12 weeks to 6-12 months, depending on the chosen program


  • High school students

  • Demonstrated academic excellence

  • Ability to work independently and diligently

  • Prior experience in your field of interest is NOT required

Veritas AI offers several programs related to AI education for middle and high schoolers. The AI Fellowship is their prime research program. A branch of Lumiere Education, Veritas AI is dedicated to empowering young people with practical AI skills that they can apply in the real world. Their AI fellowship is intensive and prestigious. You’ll create a novel AI project over 12-15 weeks. Academics guide you in a 1-1 mentorship. You'll end with a presentation of your project to your cohort peers. All mentors are AI practitioners or researchers.

You can expect to create a project that fits your unique capabilities and interests. Previous projects have included AI in gaming, AI in climate change, AI in finance, and AI and mental health. During the first four weeks, you’ll explore and learn about the key concepts in your field and develop your research question. During the second month, you’ll begin analysis of your data and work with your mentor to assess feasibility. During the final phase of the program, you’ll create your end project and present it to your peers. You’ll also have the opportunity to work with the Veritas AI publication team to submit your work to a public showcase like a journal, competition, or publication.

Cost: $4,900; financial aid is available

Location: remote/online

Application deadline: Applications are accepted throughout the year, with the application for the Summer II cohort due on June 23, 2024.

Program dates: Once you begin your program, it will run for 12-15 weeks depending on your topic and publication goals


  • Grades 9-12

  • A basic understanding of Python/completion of AI Scholars 

Horizon offers trimester-long research programs for high school students across subject areas such as data science, machine learning, political theory, biology, chemistry, neuroscience, psychology, and more! It is one of the very few research programs for high school students that offers a choice between quantitative and qualitative research! 

Once you select a particular subject track and type of research you’ll be paired with a professor or Ph.D. scholar (from a top university) who will mentor you throughout your research journey. You’ll work to create a 20-page, university-level research paper that you can send to prestigious journals for publication as a high school student. 

This program is a solid opportunity for you to pursue a research program in highly specialized fields, under the guidance of a top scholar. The program also provides a letter of recommendation for each student, as well as detailed project feedback that you can use to work on future projects and on college applications. Apply here!

Location: Virtual 

Application Date: May 21, 2024 for the summer cohort, and September 25, 2024 for the fall cohort 

Program Dates: 

  • Summer seminar - June 24, 2024 - September 2, 2024

  • Fall seminar - October 23, 2024 - February 19, 2025

  • Lab dates are flexible, but you must apply 4 weeks in advance.

Eligibility: High school students with good academic standing (>3.67/4.0 GPA) can apply. Most accepted students are 10th/11th graders! Only a couple of tracks require formal prerequisites, more details of which can be found here.

This program is designed to provide high school students with the opportunity to develop essential skills by engaging in authentic, inquiry-based research activities. You will be enrolled in a Spring 2024 course in an area of research science. Upon completion of the course, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a summer research internship where you’ll be paired with a CUNY or CCNY faculty member to pursue a research topic of interest.

The spring program is small and competitive; only 25 students are admitted. You’ll complete 45 hours of practical science research course material. This portion of the course is in-person and takes place twice a week on the City College campus. You can receive high school elective credit upon successful completion. 10 of the original 25 are then able to participate in a 5-week structured internship program. You’ll work in a research lab four to five days a week and complete a research project and presentation. 

This program is not only highly competitive but intensive. You’ll develop independent research skills, relationships with mentors, and laboratory expertise. 

Cost: Free, $1,575 stipend

Location: New York City, New York

Application deadline: Applications are typically accepted from December 1st to January 15th or 16th

Program dates: The Research Academy takes place during the spring semester. The summer internship takes place over 5 weeks during the summer.


  • New York City Public High School 10th or 11th grader during

  • 75 or above on the ELA Regents or 480+ on SAT Verbal or PSAT Reading

  • HS average of at least 80

  • Participants must  have passed the Regents Algebra, Geometry, Living Environment, Earth Science, and Global Studies exam with a 66 or better

The NYCSRM Consortium consists of over 20 partner programs that support more than 500 scholars across New York City. They offer multiple internship programs, but they all have several factors in common. You can expect around 70 hours of preparatory coursework and over one hundred hours of mentored science research. You’ll be provided with academic and career guidance for science success and access to scientific journals and presentations to boost your fluency in science communication. You’ll also complete a culminating project based on your research and present it publicly.

These research internships allow you to get paid for your time while working in real-world research situations. You’ll also get access to their alumni community which keeps you connected with mentors and peers. They offer internships across the spectrum of science-based research including opportunities in astrophysics and conservation biology.

Cost: Paid stipend

Location: New York City, NY

Application deadline: Applications are open on a rolling basis

Program dates: program dates vary by internship

Eligibility: Programs might have specific eligibility requirements, but all students must meet the following requirements as a baseline:

  • Completed preparatory coursework in science content, methodologies, and lab skills

  • NYC high school student 

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is one of the leading cancer research organizations in the country. Their summer student program provides high school students with hands-on experience in laboratory techniques related to STEM in general and medicine specifically. You’ll conduct independent research projects and attend training sessions and lectures. You’ll also participate in tours designed to support your interest in the clinical side of research and fuel your curiosity for science and the medical field. Finally, you’ll present your research at the end of the program.


You’ll gain invaluable research training and get to work with top-notch equipment. You’ll also receive a stipend and develop valuable interpersonal, leadership, and public speaking skills. 

Cost: There is no cost for tuition and you’ll receive a stipend upon completion of the program

Location: New York City, New York

Application deadline: Applications are currently closed but typically open the first week of December each year and close the first week of February

Program dates: The program runs for 8 weeks during the summer. The 2024 dates are June 27-August 22, 2024.


  • Participants must complete 9th grade by June of your application year

  • 14 years old or older by the start of your program

  • A 3.5 GPA or higher in science subjects

  • Two letters of recommendation

The New York Academy of Sciences was founded over two hundred years ago and is a non-profit organization dedicated to driving innovative solutions to society’s challenges by advancing scientific research, education, and policy. Their Junior Academy is a project-based learning program where students work with STEM experts on research projects through an online platform.

During your participation in the program, you’ll work in cohorts with other students to tackle innovative challenges under the guidance of STEM mentors. All challenges are real-world problems sponsored by industry-leading companies. You’ll participate first in a kick-off week where you’ll build relevant skills in research methods, design thinking, and data analysis. STEM professionals serve as judges and score each solution to choose a winning team. You’ll walk away from this program with a global STEM network and cutting-edge research skills. This program is a unique mix of academic rigor and real-world experience.

Cost: None

Location: Virtual

Application deadline: Applications for fall 2024 are currently open and will close on July 1st. You can check here for future application windows.

Program dates: The program runs for 8-10 through fall semester.


  • Ages 13-17 at the time of the program.

  • Demonstrated an interest in STEM.

  • Able to participate in English.

 This program allows academically talented and highly motivated high school students to engage in hands-on research projects in the STEM fields. You’ll work with distinguished faculty mentors to learn laboratory techniques, work with cutting-edge tools, experience life at a research university, and function as part of an active research team.

This six-week residential program normally runs from the beginning of July through mid-August. The program culminates in a written research abstract and research poster showcasing your work. On top of conducting hands-on research, you can expect to attend weekly faculty research lectures, participate in special workshops, take tours, and attend university events. You’ll also receive a stipend ward.

Cost: You can choose to live on campus or commute. The cost of room and board for residential students is $2,781.50. There are no tuition charges or fees and a stipend is provided at the end of the program.

Location: Stony Brook, New York City, New York

Application deadline: Applications are typically due in early February. The due date for 2024 was February 7, 2024.

Program dates: The program typically runs from July through mid-August.


  • Demonstrated independence, creativity, and an aptitude for doing hands-on work in STEM fields

  • Rising high school senior at the time of the program

  • 16 years of age or older

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident

 Hofstra University is Long Island’s largest private university and has robust undergraduate and graduate programs. Their Summer Science Research Program offers high schoolers the chance to conduct STEM research under the guidance of professionals in science and mathematics. The program is highly selective and culminates in a science poster session where students present their work.

You can expect to be matched with a participating faculty member for mentorship based on your research preference. You’ll work Monday-Thursday with specific hours decided by you and your mentor. You may conduct laboratory experiments, review data, discuss real-world applications of findings, and learn analysis and critical thinking skills. You’ll also attend a weekly seminar/lunch with other students in the program to give you a further boost to your research skills and the chance to network with other peers and professionals. This program has a small mentorship ratio, which means lots of individual attention, and you’ll get to work on real-world projects.

Cost: $2,000 for tuition. Room and board are not provided by the program

Location: Long Island, New York

Application deadline: Applications are typically due the final Friday of March each year

Program dates: The program runs for six weeks from July through mid-August and students must be able to commit to the entire program


  • Enrolled in 10th or 11th grade at the time the application is submitted

  • At least one year of a high school laboratory-based science course

  • Demonstrated an interest in the sciences

  • Demonstrated an ability to work independently

The WSSP provides research opportunities for high school students and their teachers to conduct authentic projects in molecular biology and bioinformatics. You’ll also have the chance to publish your findings. This program runs for an entire year and begins each summer with a two-week program.

The program is led by teachers from your high school with support from Rutgers University. All projects are required to explore concepts and themes relevant to molecular biology, bioinformatics, and computational biology. You’ll use laboratory protocols to isolate and analyze DNA samples, and sequence these samples, and determine if they are similar to genes from other organisms. The DNA sequences have never before been determined, so your research is of interest to real scientists all over the world. By the end of the program, your published sequence will bear your name in the international repository for all known DNA sequences. You can watch a video overview of the program here

Cost: $2,000 for the in-person program, $500 for the virtual program

Location: This program is primarily conducted at your high school, but the summer part of the program can either be attended online or in person at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Application deadline: Unknown. Applications are currently closed, so check back regularly!

Program dates: Most of the program will take place over an entire academic year, but the summer dates are provided below:

  • In-person: June 23-July 3, 2025

  • In-person: July 28-August 8, 2025

  • Virtual: August 11-August 22, 2025


  • Completed a high school-level biology course

  • Current high school student

This program, provided by NYU, is competitive. It is designed to expose students to rigorous and unique studio art projects. During this program, you’ll research and create studio art projects and visit New York City’s art institutions. You'll take part in field trips to professional art studios to see where artists live and create. One of the main goals of this program is for students to walk away with a new body of work for their portfolios. The program also emphasizes researching and utilizing new materials and technologies in your art.

The program only admits 54 students each year, making it super competitive. From there, students are divided into three intimate cohorts. You’ll take core courses in the morning and electives in the afternoon and take part in open studio hours. Social events are available on Saturdays and Sundays. You’ll live on campus in the East Village.

This program will help you learn what it means to be a working artist in a big city. You'll also develop the skills necessary to succeed in the arts at a university level. You can find out more information about the 2024 program here.

Cost: The total cost for the program including housing, tuition, and meal plan is $7,272. Scholarships and financial aid are available.

Location: Manhattan, New York City, New York

Application deadline: Applications are due March 1st. The financial aid application is due February 15th.

Program dates: The program runs for a month, typically from July to August. The 2024 dates are July 7-August 3


  • High school students aged 15-18 going into their sophomore, junior, or senior year

Elise is a writer for Lumiere and a graduate of the University of Montana School of Law. She began writing for Lumiere in 2024 to help connect high school students to research opportunities. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.

Image Source: NYU logo


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